Design Horizons Labs 2020-21 Cohort

Meet Our 2020-21 Fellows!
The inaugural cohort of Design Horizons Fellows includes 25 undergraduates from the College of Arts & Media, the College of Engineering, Design & Computing, and the Business School.

Kara Admire
Major: Architecture Expected Graduation Date: December 2021 "I am a professional floral designer and am in love with being a student because learning is my number one passion."

Dee Ahima
Major: Illustration Expected Graduation Date: December 2021 "Since I was little, I've dreamed of becoming a polyglot, and I'm currently studying French, Asante Twi, and Japanese!"

Saeed Amirchaghmaghi
Major: Architecture Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "I love Architecture and love to solve problems and improve human experience through design and Entrepreneurship."

Allison Anderson
Major: Digital Design Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "I'm really excited to collaborate with people across so many different disciplines and work together to create something cool!"

Jazmin Barraza
Major: Computer Science Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "What I look forward to working on is collaborating with my teammates in creating and developing a project that will change lives within our communities for the better."

Joe Bennett
Major: Business and Computer Science Expected Graduation Date: December 2021 "Sarcasm makes you more creative, laughing burns calories, boosts the immune system, and reduces stress hormones."

Josh Briles
Major: Computer Science Expected Graduation Date: December 2022 "I traveled the world before I turned 18!"

Robin Buchanan
Major: Art Practices/Creative Writing Expected Graduation Date: December 2023 "I foster puppies and kittens in my spare time."

Paige Garbett
Major: Mechanical Engineering Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "I have a deep love for working on, driving and doodling cars,and even race for the school's formula SAE team."

Manuel Garza
Major: Architecture Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "One time I ran from one continent to another!"

Iscra Gomez
Major: Marketing with an emphasis in Information Systems and Human Resources Management Expected Graduation Date: December 2021 "I don’t know how to whistle."

Khalid Hamu
Major: Computer Science Expected Graduation Date: May 2023 "I have always loved art but recently been interested in the process of producing it."

Davis-Jay Harris
Major: 3D Animation Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "I'm looking forward to working with other highly creative people!"

Luis Hernandez
Major: Digital Design Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "I'm excited to learn and apply entrepreneurship skills in my creative practices and make a difference in my community."

Teiriana Ibarra
Major: Music Business with a minor in Photography Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "I hope to work in the entertainment business as an event planner when I graduate, and this program will give me the necessary skills to be successful."

Connor Jordan
Major: Architecture Expected Graduation Date: December 2021 "I am a licensed Realtor in both Colorado and Texas."

Gwen Kubik
Major: Recording Arts Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "I'm a transgender anarchist, acoustic designer, Tiantai buddhist, and lifelong learner."

Vanessa Ramirez
Major: Marketing with a minor in Digital Design Expected Graduation Date: 2022 "I own a bearded dragon named Siri."

Cybelle Richeson
Major: Finance and Risk Management & Insurance Expected Graduation Date: May 2022 "I am looking forward to seeing the personal and professional growth that myself and the other fellows will accumulate over the 9-month program (and of course what our end products will be!)."

Ravisher Singh
Major: Computer Science Expected Graduation Date: December 2021 "I am looking forward to challenge my creativity and take my entrepreneur skills to next level with the help of this program."

Michael Sperandeo
Major: 3D Graphics and Animation Expected Graduation Date: May 2021 "I love music and like to engage in active meditation."

Aaron Tiktin
Major: Information Systems with a specialization in Management Expected Graduation Date: May 2022 "I joined Design Horizons to learn how to start a creative business venture while making new friends and connections along the way."

Mercedez Vela
Major: Information Systems with specializations in Cybersecurity, Marketing, and Data Analytics Expected Graduation Date: December 2021 "I look forward to expanding my network, learning more about all facets of entrepreneurship, and making connections with other fellows."

JT Wright
Major: Computer Science Expected Graduation Date: 2022 "I love plants and grow tea in my backyard."