Entrepreneurship Courses

Entrepreneurship Courses

The Jake Jabs Center offers several courses each semester that cover a wide variety of entrepreneurial topics. From developing a marketable idea to creating a business plan to securing capital for your startup, we make sure our students graduate with the skills needed to run a business successfully. View the available ENTP courses below!

IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT COURSE SCHEDULING: Registering for an entrepreneurship (ENTP) course is a little different than other courses on campus. Make sure to download our registration guide below to ensure that you’re signed up for the courses you want.

Download Our “How To Register for ENTP Courses” Guide

LOOKING FOR SCHOLARSHIP ASSISTANCE? Visit our Tuition & Scholarship page to learn more about how the Jake Jabs Center can help you!

Spring 2019 Undergraduate Courses:

ENTP 3200 Essentials in Entrepreneurship

MW – 2:00-3:15pm

Professor: Linda Fried

TTH – 12:30-1:45pm

Professor: Dave Ruderman 

This introductory course informs students of concepts, skills and practical information relevant to startup companies. The materials are designed to help students anticipate HR, financial, and marketing problems through proper planning. The primary objective of the course is to teach students the real-world aspects of entrepreneurship in order to improve the odds of success.

ENTP 3240 Development Dynamic Concepts*

TTH – 5:00-6:15pm (Hybrid)

Professor: Jung Park 

This course is designed to prepare entrepreneurial-minded students to critically and objectively evaluate the feasibility of their ideas. Entrepreneurs are motivated by plethora of “the next big idea” and are often fatally optimistic about their ideas. The course work will demonstrate how to objectively test and validate the feasibility of an entrepreneurial idea through data-driven analytical and strategic planning.

ENTP 3260 Sales for Entrepreneurs*

W – 5:00-6:15pm (Hybrid)

Professor: Toti Blanca Cadavid 

Selling one’s own concept to prospective customers and investors is very different from selling products in a corporate environment. In this course, students will learn how to get their message heard, get their ideal clients to want to work with them, and use their authentic brand to sell their small-business concept successfully.

ENTP 3299 Business Model and Planning

TTH – 2:00-3:15pm 

Professor: Barry McConnell 

At the heart of every great business is a well-thought out business plan. This course teaches entrepreneurially-minded students how to create one, and students will tackle this project with a team or as an individual. Local entrepreneurs and investors will serve as guest speakers and share their experiences. Mentors and advisors associated with the Jake Jabs Center, as well as special Center-organized experiential events, will provide students with practical feedback. 

*Hybrid courses will meet once a week in person, and finish remaining course materials online.

Spring 2019 Graduate Courses:

ENTP 6020 Business Model Development and Planning

TH – 6:30-9:15pm

Professors: Madhavan Parthasarathy and Joel Appel 

Jointly taught by a successful Colorado entrepreneur and an experienced professor, this course familiarizes students with the key steps for preparing a business plan for a new (or existing) business venture. This course provides real-world feedback and advice and integrates coursework with THE CLIMB | Jake Jabs Business Plan Competition events to further enhance the quality of one’s business concept.

ENTP 6030 Entrepreneurship in Emerging Industries

W – 6:30-9:15pm

Professor: Cyrus Dioun

How do entrepreneurs in emerging industries raise capital, find talent, attract customers, manage regulatory uncertainty, and respond to opposition? Focusing on blockchain tech, renewable energy, fracking, and the sharing economy, we will discuss the challenge and opportunities facing entrepreneurs pioneering new and sometime controversial products and practices.

ENTP 6834 Lean Marketing


Professor: Kristen Blessman 

This course teaches students how to create successful marketing strategies in entrepreneurial environments where resources are often limited and negative outcomes can be unforgiving. The course work will demonstrate the imperative link between the fundamental marketing principles and entrepreneurial lean marketing guiding principles through real-life case studies, project, videos, podcasts and reading materials.

ENTP 6842 New Concept Development


Professor: David Forlani

This Course provides insights and tools that will help students assess the viability of new business concepts (a.k.a. those in the very early stages of development). Unlike the “business plan” course where students create an actual plan, this course will help students determine if a new business concept is truly worthy of a business plan. The main objective of the course focuses on understanding problems and solutions from the potential market’s perspective.